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How to stick to 2020 resolutions!!!🎉

Stop what you’re doing right now, grab a pen and a piece of paper, and WRITE down a list of your goals. Now slowly say them out loud to yourself in the context of ‘I will...’. Writing things out enables them to feel more intense than just a thought that can come and go. Writing down a goal can be a visual reminder for you that can’t slip your mind. The action of writing an intended goal feels like a step towards the goal, leading to productivity in the near future! The act of writing solidifies and validates your goals! Hey, I know it’s easier said than done. But never think your goals are too farfetched! There’s someone in the world who’s currently accomplishing the goal you intend on working towards. This statement is not meant as a negative intention or a comparison,rather as motivation for you to know that you can do it too! Identity what is holding you back from moving forth with this goal. If it is simply fear, know that fear comes with any change! That’s the change that enables us to move forward! Never be weary of the discomfort and tension of working towards something new,instead, take it as an exciting new chapter! If you’re going to be fearful no matter what, you may as well be fearful while working towards something new and beautiful rather than just staying stagnant. This really resonates with me because I have felt the feeling of standing still, a hamster on a treadmill who doesn’t know what she wants so she just keeps going and thinking in circles. It’s time to change that feeling and know every single person has this feeling about something in their life. You might want something someone else has, which causes you to be blind to the fact that you might have what the person next you wants. BE GRATEFUL! Additionally, know that when you’re working on something new, a goal, a characteristic, a job, etc, you can’t possibly fail because just the notion of trying something leads to success and new doors opened! I know it’s scary, and that’s okay to acknowledge. Acknowledge the discomfort, let it pass, and make that dream you wrote down and ACTION this new year and new decade! 🤗 

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