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Stumbling onto Symbolism

Today I was on my usual morning run. But instead of bearing the cold on my treadmill, the beautiful weather allowed me to run outside. I was already having a tough morning reflecting on my next steps towards my goals, so going on my run and getting those happy hormones flowing was needed! The sun was shining, my mood was starting to brighten, and next thing I know I’m soaring through the air, landing (or should I say stumbling), on the hard concrete of the sidewalk. I paused in shock for a second, mind racing not knowing If I got really injured. I started getting up feeling pain in multiple places. My knee hurt and was scraped, my elbow was decently scraped and gushing blood, phone cover cracked, I couldn’t help but think to myself, is this real life? Could this day get any worse? After I got myself together, I didn’t know what to do next, feeling more defeated than I already felt prior to starting my run. Do I give up and go home? Do I keep going? Is this how the rest of my day is going to be? So I got up, took a couple steps and realized I was going to be okay. I started a light jog to make sure I wasn’t severely injured, I pressed play on my watch, and I kept going. Sure I had some blood I wiped off on my t shirt, but I was okay. The symbolism I got out of this was that I got knocked down and yeah it hurt, but it didn’t hurt enough to stop me from finishing my run. And for the rest of my run I thought to myself maybe this is God saying to me, “Hey Christina get up! A little fall isn’t anything that will stop you from living your dreams!” So now I’ll take this message with me the rest of the day and beyond😊 I’ll also take this message along with me the next time I run outside so that I watch out for uneven side walks 😂 

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