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Friends!  Health is always relevant in life, but even more so now that all of us are dealing with the possibility of being exposed to this world wide Corona virus.  Are you feeling like everything is out of your control?  That there's nothing you can do to build up your immunity during a crucial time?  LET ME HELP!  There is a plethora of actions that can be taken to build up your immune system.  These things should be engaged in on a regular basis, maybe even magnified right now!  Below you will find a list of things that YOU can do to strengthen that immune system!  Forgive me if some of them seem obvious, however, even the simplest things added up can make the world of a difference!  

Immunity list 101:

1. DRINK LOTS OF WATER! This sounds so simple, but water is meant for hydrating, as well as flushing all those bad guy toxins out of the system!

2.  Eat WHOLE PLANT foods!  Nourishing the body with the proper nutrients is vital!  Rule of thumb, if you can't pronounce the ingredient on the label, don't eat it!  :) Certain foods such as ginger, onions, garlic, and tumeric, are all fabulous immunity boosting foods!

3.  VITAMIN C!  Sure everyone knows Vitamin C is needed when feeling under the weather or trying to prevent it, but knowing wholesome Vitamin C sources is equally as important!  When thinking Vitamin C, think citrus!  Foods high in Vitamin C: Lemon (great to add in water, smoothies, or cooking), oranges, kiwi, strawberries, pineapple, mango, tomatoes, papaya, bell peppers.

4. PROBIOTICS! These are so helpful with managing a healthy gut flora in the digestive tract!  This is the center of our body, where nutrients are either used, or toxins are then removed (going to the bathroom!).  Having a strong healthy gut aides in a strong immune system!  Things rich in probiotic: Probiotic supplements, kambucha (sold as a drink everywhere, or in droplets with nothing added which is my fave way to consume them!), fermented food such as sourkraut/kimichi!

5.  REST!  A lot of us right now who are stuck inside have all the time in the world, use it to catch up on sleep! This is when your body is rejuvinating itself!

6. EXERCISE!  Moving the body not only makes you feel good, it makes you sweat!  Sweating is another way in which the body rids itself of toxins!  Gyms may be closed, but movement is not!  Need some ideas? Go for a walk/run outside in the fresh air, walk laps inside your house, walk up and down the steps, practice yoga, do body weight exercises, stretch!

7. CRYOTHERAPY/SUANA/COLD SHOWERS!  All of these things would not only kill germs in the extreme temperatures, but they are practiced due to their immunity building results!

8. STRESS FREE!  Try to remain as stress free as possible! Did you know that stress can decrease your immune system?  Stress takes a toll on the body and that's the last thing our bodies need when they are already fighting super hard to keep us healthy!

9. LIMIT/AVOID ALCOHOL! I know this might be hard if drinking pops up as something to do out of boredom, but try to refrain from that!  Alcohol is a poison making it harder for your body to fight off any bad germs! 

10. And finally, everyone's favorite, the secret....WASH YOUR HANDS! Had to throw that in there LOL! But really, washing hands and avoiding touching the face and eyes (SO HARD!), is so necessary!

With everything going on, I know it's hard not to feel somewhat down or that everything that was in our control is now being taken away.  But instead of thinking about all of the obvious negative parts about being stuck inside or having big routine changes, lets focus on some optimistic aspects!  Take control over the things you DO have control over.  Sometimes things happen for reasons beyond our understanding.  With that being said, tell yourself that change is OKAY!  We are all creatures of habit, some people more than others.  Some people rely on their routine to keep them structured, and when routine is taken away and replaced with the unknown, it causes anxiety out the wahzoo! But how silly does it sound to feel anxious about change?  Because LIFE is comprised of so many changes.  So maybe this big change and interruption in life's daily routine is to show us that although our sense of normalcy is currently non existent, we are making it work!  These are the kinds of events that guide us in the future when something small happens and you say to yourself, "If I could handle that, then I can handle this!" This is God's/The Universe's way of forcing us to step out of our comfort zone, try something new, try something a different way due to limited resources, spend quality time with loved ones who you typically might only say hi and bye to on a 'typical' day, get more fresh air, do that house chore that you've been putting off because you didn't have the time to do it, cook that recipe you've been wanting to try, support one another!  Despite all of the sickness and worry and fatality, the actions people take are really a beautiful thing.  Seeing more kids play outside together, more families taking walks together, more people on runs/walking their dogs, businesses getting creative with how to keep their customers satisfied, it's PURE beauty!  So do your best during this time to take care of yourself as well as those around you, spread the love not the germs, stay productive, and know that this chaotic time will pass, pushing us back towards our sense of 'normalcy.'  The only difference is that we will have learned a thing or 2, and have grown immensely from what we will conquer as a self, and as a world :) 

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